Welcome to the #NJJL Global Social Enterprise.
I'm really glad you're here!

Come on in to learn about the NJJL Pledge, Shop our "Products with a Purpose" and more...

Live the Message 

Take the #NJJL Pledge

We make judgments all the time, because we’re human. The judgments we make are not the problem. It’s what you think, say, or do next that matters.
Make a personal commitment to live the message of No Judgment. Just Love.® by moving away from judgments that divide. Take the NJJL Pledge. Practice one or more of these ideals. Motivate yourself and inspire others to live together with respect for different beliefs and opinions.
Everyone is valuable and deserves love without judgment, including you.

Share the Movement

NEW  "Products with a Purpose" from No Judgment. Just Love.® 

NJJL Products with a Purpose are inspiration in a simple message meant to motivate others without you having to say a word. Something special happens when NJJL products are seen by someone around you. It’s as if these 4 words touch the core and true essence of our absolute humanity.

Visit our online store (undergoing an update June 2023) to purchase Products with a Purpose for yourself and to give as gifts. The next time judgments come up, take a pause and then make a kinder choice. When we all take that pause, the power of love will cause a seismic shift in how we treat each other. 



Inspire the Next Generation 

It can be a harsh world for children who feel different, are pushed aside, or misunderstood. Inside these books are pages to color and to journal, helping every child increase their ability to have more great days. Living in a more peaceful world is possible, because when children learn to  judge less harshly and show more love, they will inspire adults to also rise above!

Buy the No Judgement Just Love coloring books on Amazon.com Left handed https://tinyurl.com/4cbpm8tv and right handed https://rb.gy/tokmwn  Because our coloring books are made for righties and lefties, there is no judgment just love even for how you color. 

Work with ShaRon


My coaching style is friendly, supportive and focused on your needs. I welcome you into a safe environment on the virtual Comfy Couch™  of “No Judgment. Just Love ®” When we work together, I will listen to your concerns and guide you with personalized questions helping you uncover what’s holding you back or keeping you stuck.
Check out my websites

The Whole Family Coaching

The Co-Parenting Course

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching call with me using this link https://chatwithsharon.youcanbook.me or email me at [email protected]

Change the World

What's your story?

We have been sharing our experiences through story telling for centuries. Our stories enlighten, entertain, widen our belief systems and transform our cultures. Be willing to talk about what it took for you to move from negative to positive using No Judgment. Just Love.® 

When you speak your words of courage and vulnerability, you will inspire others to reflect on their own willingness to change and do better. You are the pioneer leading the way. Choose to shift your thoughts and actions by living the No Judgment. Just Love.®  way and when you experience a triumph, announce it to the world! Post your story on our NJJL Facebook page.


Send a Message to ShaRon